Sunday, February 17, 2008

Update Candle Ceremony 2/18/08 6:00pm

Vickie Diedrich would like to lead a convoy from the High School parking lot to Polecat Hill for the candle ceremony at 6:00pm 2/18/08. We will be leaving the school at 5:30pm. Please bring a candle, in memory of Ross all trucks will be at the lead of the convoy.

Thank you

Added 1:13AM 2/18/08
"I'm Adrienne Hildebrandt, and I too attended LCHS and was a senior last year with Clark and Zack. I just wanted to let you know, incase you wanted to put it on to have the kids and parents park a ways down the hill, and to be sure to have their hazards on while parked since the hill is steep and rather blind when you are coming up the east side of it. A Logan County Sheriff's Deputy asked me to pass that on when he was out there on Saturday to direct the traffic coming over the hill. Also I didn't know if you had anyone that was planning on calling the Sheriff's Department or not, but I was planning to do so around four tomorrow afternoon after I get back into town from school just to let them know incase they wanted to send a deputy out there for safety precautions. If you have any questions or anything feel free to email me back at this address it's my school email and check it pretty frequently.

Adrienne Hildebrandt
Class of 2007"

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