They are currently on back order but you can order them
if you would like one contact Sabra or just contact me and I'll contact her
here is black and white prototype
Here is a picture of actual decal (it has a piece of paper over it to protect the stickiness)
it stick oh the inside of your windows so if you have darkly tinted windows probably wont be able to see it
again if you would like one they are $5 you can contact Sabra or contact me and i will contact Sabra for you
Not to be rude b/c I know everyone is still grieving...But I knew Katie McCarty from Taylorville & it would have been nice if you included her on it also...Im not trying to be greety, selfish or rude....but to some they would find that very disrespectful that she's not included...unfortunately she lost her life that night also & it would have been respectful to add her even if most of you didnt know her....the other 3 that lost their lives did know her.
i know i would have done the same but unfortunately i didn't design this one
since these decals are on back order, just how hard would it be to add Katie's name to the bottom of the decal. Think about what the others are thinking about it and how upset they may be because you left out her out. Please refer this to the people who designed the decal.
I Agree! Dan we would really appreciate it if you would relay the message to the designer b/c I have no idea who that would be! Thanks
I belive you have the date wrong on your design.. They all died on
Saturday the 16th.. Not the 15th.. You may want to change the hole thing.. And yes it would be nice to see Katic McCarty's name to.. She lost her life also..
I would like to know why loud pipes safes lifes... ???? I don't belive it safed anyone here... And that is a H/D saying.. They didn't ride bikes...
I believe that Friday, February 15th is, in fact, the correct date. If you refer to times and dates of rescue calls, I don't believe there is any question about that.
In regards to the "Loud Pipes Save Lives," it is a phrase generally referencing Harley Davidson motorcycles with the idea that the loud levels of noise from the pipes make the motorcycle hard to miss and therefore more apparent to other drivers and less likely to be involved in accidents.
However, trucks have loud pipes as well, and loud pipes are very important to many truck owners... I believe that is the idea here.
I think EVERYONE is losing sight of the fact that these decals were made to remember these people. Stop nitpicking.
I do understand the want to have Katie McCarty's name on it, but I believe these decals were made specifically for the kids of LCHS. The fact that someone even took the time to design the decals says something about how much we cared about these kids.
I totally agree with the last comment posted. Why are we arguing about something that needs not to be argued about. The fact of the matter is that innocent teenagers lost their lives, and some of you have the nerve to pick apart this well thought of decal....
I think we do need to check the date.. Chris,Ross,Katie.C.,Katie.M. Obi's all say Saturday Feb.16th.. Date of death..????
Look...I didn't mean to start an argument by posting the first comment here. It wasnt intended in that way...all im saying is IT IS VERY disrespectful to make a decal about people losing their life in the same accident but not including one that also lost her life just because she's not from Lincoln. Maybe you dont understand b/c you didnt know Katie M...I know the decal was made to remember those 3 kids but you have to keep in mind there was a 4th victim. It wasnt seperate you understand? So im going to hopefully end this argument tonight b/c you guys are the ones that have blown this whole thing WAY out of proportion all b/c we mentioned the fact it wasnt fair Katie was left continue remembering the other 3 victims & ignore the fact there was a 4th victim. I'll remember katie & all the good things that she did in her life...& i'll carry on her memories & make sure she's not forgotten! one was taking the matter out of proportion until whoever this is just posted that last comment. no one is leaving katie m. out. I'm sure she is a wonderful young was no one's intention to leave her out. but like someone said before it was a lincoln high school deal. and yes i'm positive everyone realizes that it was one wreck. And people are remembering Katie...the sticker was just a local thing to remember the current students. ..if you want a sticker with katie m. on it...go and make one...
It should say don't drive 90 mph on a blind hill and wear your seat belt and use of commonsense saves lives loud pipes had nothing to do with this.
Wow...this is the first time I have read these comments.....I didn't know they existed! To the person upset because Katie M was left me you are totally right, those kids that died that night loved her ( I know that firsthand) and would have been very upset if they had known she was left out. . Zach and Clark were recovering at the time and didn't have any input or I'm sure they would have suggested the change. That said they are only decals...but still very thoughtless.....but we have to remember they were done by teenagers and it is Lincoln......I used to live there but had to get out because of that kind of mentality. To the person that says use common sense, wear seatbelts and don't drive 90 on a blind hill you are right....we don't know why the kids weren't wearing seatbelts that night but apparently they were going so fast it wouldn't have mattered,...that is fact an independent investigator confirmed it. Why were they driving so fast? Look at the driver, if you knew him you would know this was the way he drove all the time allegedly with no repercussions from family or police...hmmm why is that? He regularly terrorized his passengers.....court documents prove it. Those kids that night begged him to slow down, they were scared for their lives and he chose not to listen and look what happened. This will never be over for me, or the 'McGlassons or Pam McCarty or the Carpentiers and also the Conradys, they have to live with what their son did every day for the rest of their lives. I don't feel much for them because they could have prevented this by being better parents and not being so lenient....but that is beside the point now and it is something hopefully they already know. RIP Katie, Katie Chris and Ross.
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